MUJS 4900-4910, 5900-5910, Special Problems
These courses are arranged with professors and may consist of:
Individual projects in writing or performance
Group projects in performance
Special seminars to pursue a particular topic.
An example of a special problems course:
MUJS 4910, Special Studies in Tune Writing. (elective credit)
General Information
Textbook: None. Resources include tunes written and recorded by jazz artists, from
the record libraries of the instructor and the students involved.
Prerequisite: MUJS 3610 and permission of the instructor.
Grading: Determined from participation, and two major projects, performed and recorded.
Content: This "special problems" course provides a one-semester (repeatable) experience
in writing coherent tunes in the jazz idiom. Each student will write a new tune each
week, updating and refining the output throughout the semester. Two of the tunes are
identified as projects to be arranged and recorded according to the students' interests
and access to players and facilities.