Orchestral Numbers for Spring Orchestral Readings:

The orchestral forces for the spring orchestral readings include:

3 flutes (flute 3 doubling piccolo)
3 oboes (1 doubling English horn)
3 clarinets (1 doubling bass clarinet)
3 bassoons (1 doubling contrabassoon)
4 French horns
3 trumpets
3 trombones (1 doubling on bass trombone)
1 tuba
1 timpanist
3 percussionists


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

12:15PM Llanten - Jack Buddenhagen, conductor
12:35PM Myre - Charles Andersen, conductor
12:55PM Marvin - Charles, Andersen, conductor

1:15PM Break

1:25PM Leinbach - Kenny Lung, conductor
1:45PM Miyashita - Jack Buddenhagen, conductor

Friday, April 26, 2019

12:15PM Bronson - Kenny Lung, conductor
12:35PM Granados -  Jack Buddenhagen, conductor
12:55PM Clement - Charles, Andersen, conductor

1:15PM Break

1:25PM Espinel - Kit-Yu Lo, conductor
1:45PM Tse - Kit-Yu Lo, conductor

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Composer Contact Information

Conductor Contact Information

Auxiliary Instruments

(orchestration students should email Dr. Broberg a list at least two weeks in advance of the readings in a Word document)
Hannah Bronson
Michael Clement
Miguel Espinel
piccolo, English horn, bass clarinet
Victor Granados
Cade Leinbach
piccolo, bass clarinet
Keith Llanten
piccolo, bass clarinet, English horn

Tyler Marvin
piccolo, bass clarinet
Sam Miyashita
piccolo, English horn, bass clarinet, contrabassoon, piccolo trumpet
Cody Myre
piccolo, English horn, bass clarinet, contrabassoon, celesta
Nicole Tse
piccolo, bass clarinet, English horn, contrabassoon, piano, bass trumpet

Percussion Instruments and objects

(orchestration students should email Dr. Broberg a list at least two weeks in advance of the readings in a Word document)
Hannah Bronson
crotales, ratchet
bow for crotales, pencils for horns and trumpets (composer will bring)
Michael Clement
timpani and bass drum
Miguel Espinel
vibraphone, gong, bass drum
Victor Granados
suspended cymbal, gong; marimba
straight mute for trumpet 1
Cade Leinbach
crotales, glockenspiel, suspended cymbal
bow for crotales, straight mute for trumpet 1, stop mute for all horns (optional)
Keith Llanten
bongos, cowbell, maracas, guiro (plastic or wood), guiro, congas
cup mute for trumpet 1, straight mutes for trumpets 2 and 3
Tyler Marvin
timpani, crotales, and vibraphone
Sam Miyashita
timpani, bass drum, gong, snare drum
straight mutes for all brass except tuba, celeste, string mutes
Cody Myre
xylophone, vibraphone, triangle, snare drum, ratchet; bass drum, suspended cymbal, tubular bells
straight mute for trumpet 1
Nicole Tse
timpani, tam-tam, mark tree, bass drum, tubular bells, snare drum

four French horn mutes, straight mutes for trumpets, mutes for strings, large wool mallet for the tam-tam, concert bass drum mallet, thick cardboard/paper (for the chairs) (composer will bring)

Orchestral Scores

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MIDI Mockups

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