Orchestral Numbers for Spring Orchestral Readings:
The orchestral forces for the spring orchestral readings include:
3 flutes (flute 3 doubling piccolo)
3 oboes (1 doubling English horn)
3 clarinets (1 doubling bass clarinet)
3 bassoons (1 doubling contrabassoon)
4 French horns
3 trumpets
3 trombones (1 doubling on bass trombone)
1 tuba
1 timpanist
3 percussionists
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
12:15PM Llanten - Jack Buddenhagen, conductor
12:35PM Myre - Charles Andersen, conductor
12:55PM Marvin - Charles, Andersen, conductor
1:15PM Break
1:25PM Leinbach - Kenny Lung, conductor
1:45PM Miyashita - Jack Buddenhagen, conductor
Friday, April 26, 2019
12:15PM Bronson - Kenny Lung, conductor
12:35PM Granados - Jack Buddenhagen, conductor
12:55PM Clement - Charles, Andersen, conductor
1:15PM Break
1:25PM Espinel - Kit-Yu Lo, conductor
1:45PM Tse - Kit-Yu Lo, conductor
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Composer Contact Information
Conductor Contact Information
Auxiliary Instruments
(orchestration students should email Dr. Broberg a list at least two weeks in advance of the readings in a Word document)Percussion Instruments and objects
(orchestration students should email Dr. Broberg a list at least two weeks in advance of the readings in a Word document)bow for crotales, pencils for horns and trumpets (composer will bring)
straight mute for trumpet 1
bow for crotales, straight mute for trumpet 1, stop mute for all horns (optional)
cup mute for trumpet 1, straight mutes for trumpets 2 and 3
straight mutes for all brass except tuba, celeste, string mutes
straight mute for trumpet 1
four French horn mutes, straight mutes for trumpets, mutes for strings, large wool mallet for the tam-tam, concert bass drum mallet, thick cardboard/paper (for the chairs) (composer will bring)
Orchestral Scores
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