What is GAMuT?
GAMuT (Graduate Association of Musicologists und Theorists) is a graduate student
organization dedicated to providing a forum for the presentation of original research
by its members. In addition, GAMuT provides professional development opportunities,
offers a forum for discussion of matters relevant to the academic lives of its members,
and serves as an organized liaison between students and faculty in the Division of
Music History, Theory, and Ethnomusicology.

Each year, GAMuT publishes a journal, Harmonia, that features papers written by graduate
students, and hosts a graduate student conference.
Origin of the Name
Γ-Ut = Gamma ut = Gammut = {Gamut} → GAMuT
Gammut in 1707 Glossographia Anglicana by Thomas Blount (lexicographer):

Image provided by Wikipedia
GAMuT Conference 2025
The Graduate Association of Musicologists und Theorists (GAMuT) and the College of
Music at the University of North Texas are pleased to announce our 12th annual graduate
student conference to be held on Saturday, February 1st, 2025.
Conference Schedule
8:55 am: Opening Remarks
Dr. April L. Prince, Principal Lecturer in Music History, GAMuT Faculty Advisor
Brian Sanders, GAMuT President
9:00 am: Session I
Cultural Studies
Session Chair: Johnathan Rhodes
- “Ma der, Ma der! The Cultural Intersectionality of Lao Women in the Lao-Pop Music
Zechary Phouthavong (University of Arkansas)
- “Henrique Alves de Mesquita: a case study on race and music in nineteenth-century
Miranda Bartira Tagliari Sousa (University of Pittsburgh)
- Memento Musica, 1897: Music, Death, and the Secret Concert in the Paris Catacombs
Hunter Hancock (University of North Texas)
10:30 am: Short Break
10:45 am: Session II
Sound and Sensory Studies
Session Chair: TBD
- “Sounds of Solitude: Tomasz Sikorski and the materiality of magnetic tape”
Devin Kaveler (Bienen School of Music, Northwestern University)
- “Scent and Sound: From Claude Debussy to Ye Xiaogang”
Anqi Wang (Rutgers University)
10:45 am: Lunch
1:00 pm: Keynote Address
"Pitch, Repetition, and Language in the Pitch-Corrected Speech Sounds of Two Video
Game Characters"
Dr. Elizabeth Medina-Gray (Ithaca College)
2:10 pm: Session III
Film/Multimedia Studies
Session Chair: TBD
- “Is It Just a Repetition? The “Danger” Leitmotif in James Horner’s Troy”
Xiao Yun (University of North Texas)
- “Understanding Race and Music in Blazing Saddles”
Drew Brady (Southern Methodist University)
3:10 pm: Short Break
3:20 pm: Session IV
Classical Theory Studies
Session Chair: Alison Parker
- “The Transition That Grows: Expanding Romantic Frameworks with the Anticipatory Transition”
Luis Matos (Florida State University)
- “Thematic Subversions and Tritone Substitutions: Sonata Form-Based Analysis of Nikolai
Kapustin Sonata No. 18, Mvmt 1"
Joshua McKinnis (Baylor University)
- “Flexing the Spine: Schubert’s “Der Doppelgänger,” the Untraditional Urlinie, and
Poetic Parallelism”
Austin Wilson (Michigan State University)
4:50 pm: Closing Remarks & Presentation of the Paper Award
Dr. David Heetderks, Chair of the Division of Music History, Theory, and Ethnomusicology
Brian Sanders, GAMuT President
Conference Location
University Union (red square on map)
1155 Union Cir, Denton, TX 76203
The University Union has multiple food options on Saturday’s, including:
- Burger King
- Chick-Fil-A
- Fuzzy’s Taco Shop
- Starbucks
Parking Information
UNT requires a parking permit 24/7, 365 days a year, including visitor parking. The
three options for visitor parking are:
- One-day visitor parking permit = $5 [visitor passes will park in Eagle Lots shown
in orange on the map] [must be mailed or printed off]
Click on the link above – go to PERMIT TYPES & VISITOR PARKING – click on “purchase
a day use” permit – follow the directions
- ParkMobile = about $18-$20 for 8 hours of parking [shown in purple on the map] [must
use through the ParkMobile app]
- Union Circle Parking Garage = $18 for one day parking [shown in black across from
the Student Union]
“Visitors may also park in the Highland Street Garage for $2.25 per hour, max rate
of $18 per day.”

For more information, please contact President of GAMuT Brian Sanders – briansanders@my.unt.edu
Dr. Elizabeth Medina-Gray
"Musical Effects of Pitch Correction in the Speech Sounds of Two Video Game Characters,"
quasi-musical, pitch-corrected sounds representing the speaking voices of GLaDOS in
Portal and Fi in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
Registration is free and in person on the day of the event. Please arrive at the UNT
Senate Chambers (Room 332) of the Student Union to register for and attend the conference. Map of the student union.
Please email all inquiries to Brian Sanders at briansanders@my.unt.edu.
Schedule and parking information here.
Membership in GAMuT shall be open to those individuals with graduate standing at the
University of North Texas College of Music and an active interest in the disciplines
of Musicology, Ethnomusicology, and/or Music Theory. Upper-level undergraduate students
in the College of Music may be allowed to participate at the invitation of a graduate
member. Membership to undergraduate students in the Critical Studies in Music and
Society BA is open without a necessary invitation. In addition, all members are encouraged
to participate on the committee level.
How can I become a member?
Please contact Brian Sanders (BrianSanders@my.unt.edu) to join GAMuT or renew your GAMuT Membership.
- Masters and PhD students: $20 for the full academic calendar year, or $10 for each
long semester
- PhD Candidates (ABD): $10 for the full academic year, or $5 for each long semester
- Undergraduates: $10 for the full academic year, or $5 for each long semester
Officers (2024-2025)
Brian Sanders|President
Cecilia Presa|Secretary/Musicology Representative
John Rhodes|Vice President
Jinjing Lu, Media Coordinator
Rachel Schuck, Journal Editor
Pietro Pizzato - International Student Representative

Harmonia is the in-house journal of the Graduate Association of Musicologists und Theorists
(GAMuT) at the University of North Texas. The objective of GAMuT is to provide a forum
for the professional development of the graduate student community, and the annual
publication of Harmonia functions in support of this goal.
Instructions to Authors
Please click here for a detailed document outlining instructions to authors, including authorship criteria,
expectations of authors, editors, and faculty reviewers, a detailed timeline of the
submission and review process, and procedures in case of academic plagiarism or complaints
against the journal.
Harmonia Publication Procedures:
Paper Acceptance Guidelines
Submitted papers will be accepted solely based on the following elements:
- The paper’s importance of contribution to music scholarship
- The paper’s originality and clarity
- The paper’s relevance to the purpose of Harmonia
The following will not be considered while evaluating acceptable submissions:
- The author’s degree program or level in the program
- The author’s previous publication record
- The author’s relationship with the Harmonia editor and/or GAMuT leadership board
The current version of the journal accepts submissions in the following formats:
- Articles
● Original scholarly contributions related to music in article format. Between 6,250-8,750
words in length is typically appropriate for this journal.
- Book Reviews
● Concise reviews of monographs or edited volumes pertaining to studies of music.
Book reviews must contain a summary of source contents as well as the student author’s
evaluation. Source(s) reviewed are not limited to the areas of music theory, music
history, and (ethno)musicology, but must contribute significantly to the discipline(s)
within music scholarship. Between 1,000-1,750 words in length is typically appropriate
for this journal.
- Review Essays
● Concise reviews of creative or artistic medium publications. Subjects of review
may include but are not limited to: films, documentaries, live performances, albums,
theater productions, etc. Source(s) reviewed are not limited to the areas of music
theory, music history, and (ethno)musicology, but must contribute significantly to
the discipline(s) within music scholarship. Between 1,000-1,750 words in length is
typically appropriate for this journal.
Publication Procedures
- Editor will anonymize student author submissions prior to submitting them to faculty
reviewers. Editor will ensure that any identifying information of submitting authors
is removed from the submission in the text of the document and in the hidden data
and personal identifying information of the submission file.
- Faculty reviewers will view anonymized submissions throughout the review process.
- Editor will return anonymized faculty reviewers’ comments to submitting students at
the time of acceptance notification.
- Authors will communicate with both the editor and associate editor throughout the
peer-review process regarding any major changes to the submitted material.
- Authors, in conjunction with the editor, should gain permissions for any images or
art used, if applicable.
- Authors, in conjunction with the editor and any engravers selected at the editor’s
discretion, should collaborate and certify the accuracy of any musical notations used,
if applicable.
- The Harmonia edition will be published online and open-access on the “Harmonia” section
of GAMuT’s tab on UNT’s MHTE Department website.
- All contributing authors will be provided with a physical copy of the journal for
their records.
- If the author has a preferred method of delivery for the physical copy of the journal,
they should inform the editor before the edition is published.
Procedures in Case of Author Plagiarism, Data Fabrication, Undisclosed AI Use or Instances
of Academic Misconduct
- In the case of suspected or reported plagiarism, data fabrication, or instances of
academic misconduct, the editor, in conjunction with the GAMuT president and faculty
advisor, will follow the procedures outlined in UNT’s 06.003 Student Academic Integrity
Policy (https://policy.unt.edu/policy/06-003).
- If a case of academic dishonesty is suspected, the editor, in conjunction with the
GAMuT president and faculty advisor, will meet with the student to give them an opportunity
to respond.
- If the case of academic dishonesty is confirmed, the editor, in conjunction with the
GAMuT faculty advisor, will report the case to the Office of the Provost and the Office
for Student Success.
Thank you for your efforts to share your exciting work with the UNT music community!
Please reach out to the current editor with any questions.
Previous editions of Harmonia are available via the link below:
Harmonia 8
Harmonia 9
Harmonia 10
Harmonia Special Issue: Leoš Janáček: Life, Work, and Contribution
Harmonia 11
Harmonia 12
Harmonia 13
Harmonia 14
Harmonia 15
Harmonia Special Issue: Conference Proceedings of the 2015 UNT International Czech
Music Festival
Harmonia 16
Harmonia 17
Harmonia 18
Harmonia 19
Harmonia 20
Harmonia 21
For previous issues, please visit the the UNT Music Library.
Constitution and Bylaws
Click here for GAMuT's Constitution and Bylaws (revised Spring 2022).