Music Business Minor

As part of our program offerings we are now offering a specific hands-on curriculum geared towards students wanting to focus on developing their skills and experiences in music business and entrepreneurship.

An experiential learning component will be an integral part of the entire music business and entrepreneurship curriculum, allowing students the opportunity to work directly with an existing arts organization or music business. These experiences will be designed into the coursework in which students will be able to collaborate and “learn by doing” directly with professionals in the music industry.


Core (required courses-12 credits)

  • Music Business and Entrepreneurship (MUCE 4000/5000) (3 credits)
  • Marketing for Musicians (MUCE 4010/5010) (3 credits)
  • Music Law and Finance (MUCE 4040/5040) (3 credits)
  • Music Entrepreneurship Practicum/Internship (4030/5030) 3 credits

Electives (6 credits to be selected from the following courses)

  • Artist Management and Touring (MUCE 4050/5050) (3 credits)
  • Music Leadership and Performing Arts Management (MUCE 4020/5020) (3 credits)
  • Beginning Digital Audio Production for Music Entrepreneurs (MUCE 4060/5060) (3 credits)
  • Business of Music in Media (4070/5070) (3 credits)
  • Any other related courses in consultation with music entrepreneurship program director

Entrance requirements:

All undergraduate music majors are able to select this minor. Non-music major applicants will be required to demonstrate their involvement and understanding of music and the music industry with examples of their portfolio including recordings, videos, website, social media, etc. via their resume, cover letter, essay and other supporting materials upon application to the program. Materials will demonstrate breadth and depth of musical proficiency and preparation.

Applications should include the following:

  • A personal statement (300-500 words) describing the student's musical experience, career goals, interests, and reasons for interest in the minor in music business and entrepreneurship. The student's contact information should also be included.
  • A portfolio, website, videos, or other documentation demonstrating evidence of musical activity and experience.

If you are interested in applying as a non-music major, please submit the above materials to Acceptd -

  • Select 'Undergraduate Degrees' as your level in the Start an Application box beneath the UNT logo
  • Select your ‘Jazz' as your Area
  • Select your ‘Music Business Minor' as your Program

If you have any questions about the music business minor, please contact Jessica Muñiz-Collado (Assistant Professor of Music Business) at