The UNT Trombone Studio Departmental is in session every Wednesday at noon in Voertman Hall, during the Fall and Spring semesters. This is a requirement for every student studying with a faculty member to perform a solo piece on at least one trombone studio departmental each semester, unless officially excused.

Students who are required to perform on a departmental will be assigned a departmental performance date. The piece may be unaccompanied, but if it was composed with accompaniment, you MUST perform it with accompaniment. Any trombone student, especially those studying with a TF, may perform on any open departmental with his/her teacher’s approval.

Departmentals become very crowded at the end of the semester, so please sign up as early as possible. It also pays ($$$) to procure pianists early, as the cost may increase as the semester progresses and can eventually become impossible to find.

Program Information:

  • If you are playing in departmental this semester, you must send your complete program information by midnight of the Friday before your performance (hard cutoff) to the TF responsible for departmental programs. For instance, if you are performing on Wednesday, 9/13/17, send your complete program information by Friday, 9/08/17.

Items to Remember:

  • Know your performance date! Discuss your performance with your applied teacher before you sign up for departmental.
  • The solo should not exceed the allotted 9 minute performance time. To ensure, for longer works please make the necessary cuts.
  • If you forget to sign up for your scheduled date, please fill out the document once again to be considered for the next departmental. In these cases, scheduled performers have first priority on performing.
  • We will not chase you down to perform. Everyone is busy and we must uphold our own responsibilities of performing. Please DO NOT bother faculty about departmental issues.
  • Most importantly, MAKE MUSIC AND HAVE FUN!!!!!