The North Texas Double Bass Camps feature four opportunities for summer study
that meet the needs of bass students of any age or playing ability.
17th Annual Pirastro Strings Elite Soloists Program
June 1 - June 8, 2018
Registration deadline is March 15
The Elite Soloists Program will accept only 5 students by audition to study with Jeff
Bradetich. Daily lessons and solo classes will be held in a highly individualized
program. To qualify, participants must have a number of solo works ready for study
and performance. Last year's class included participants from major orchestras and
young professionals.
33rd Annual Bradetich Double Bass Master Classes
June 18 - 22, 2018
Early registration before May 2, Late registration after May 2
Submission deadline, March 1, 2017
For advanced high school and college aged bass students. Five days of intense musical
training including technique, orchestral and solo playing, and bass ensembles.
20th Annual Beginners and Intermediate Bass Camp
June 19 - 22, 2018
Early registration before May 2, Late registration after May 2
For any aged beginner or intermediate player. Lots of playing and lots of fun with
the opportunity to learn from some of the top teachers of young bassists.
20th Annual Lynn Seaton Jazz Bass Workshop
June 18 - 22, 2018
For dedicated jazz bass players working on upright technique, developing walking bass
lines, small group performance, theory and history. The Seaton Workshop is open to
advanced high school, college, serious amateur, and professional bassists.
For information and brochures on the jazz bass workshop, contact Lynn Seaton at:
phone: 940-369-7639
For information on all other bass workshops and camps, contact us at:
phone: 940-891-6711
UNT Summer String Institute
July 15 - July 21 & July 22 - July 29, 2018
We look forward with great excitement to the third season of the UNT Summer String
Institute. Private lessons, chamber music, clinics, masterclasses, and concerts will
be the focus of an intense workshop for violinists, violists and cellists. Our internationally
acclaimed UNT string faculty, principal players of the Dallas Symphony, and esteemed
guest artists will share their ample experience and expertise with our students.