All prospective undergraduate and graduate PIANO PERFORMANCE MAJORS will be prescreened by DVD (preferred) or CD. Required audition repertoire or its equivalent, together with all College of Music application forms, must be postmarked no later than December 1st for the following spring auditions. Applicants selected for a live audition will receive notification no later than one month before their requested audition date.

-Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance
-Bachelor of Music in Composition, Theory, History and Literature, Education or Jazz Studies with a concentration in Piano
-Bachelor of Arts in Music - Piano
 For more information about the BA in Music degree, please visit:
 Piano students seeking a BA in Music enroll in four semesters of lessons before taking the Upper Divisional Exam and must pass the Keyboard Proficiency Exam.
**Non-piano majors see Studying Keyboard Skills


-Master of Music in Piano Performance
-Doctor of Musical Arts in Piano Performance
-Master of Music in Collaborative Piano
-Doctor of Musical Arts in Collaborative Piano

NEW: DMA in Performance with Specialization in Piano Pedagogy

Uncover the symbiotic relationship between performance and pedagogy - how dynamic teaching methods can amplify performance outcomes, and performance arts can foster innovative instructional strategies.

Join the Journey


Graduate Artist Certificate in piano
Candidates for the Graduate Artist Certificate in piano are artists of outstanding artistic and virtuosic talent who seek to spend two years preparing for and entering major national and international piano competitions. They should submit a resume/CV that includes evidence of participation and/or prizes won in national or international competition, as well as solo recitals and appearances with orchestra. Postdoctoral candidates are discouraged from applying unless they are still eligible for major international competitions or can provide documentation proving that they have significant concert engagements for the next two seasons.