Q. How do I register for DMA Recitals (MUGC 6951, 6952, 6953, 6954), GAC Recitals (MUGC 5941, 6941, 5942, 6942, 5943, 6943, 5954, 6954), Thesis (MUGC 5950), Dissertation (MUGC 6950), DMA Instrumental Literature (MUAG 6360, 6370), and Graduate Special Problems courses?

A. You need to send an email to graduaterecitals@unt.edu with the following information:
Your name and 8-digit student ID number
Your major professor
Which class you need to register for (example is 1st DMA recital, MUGC 6951)
Which semester you need to register for (if summer, please indicate which session - 5wk1 or 5wk2)

Q. Where do I get the letter that is required by UNT Financial Aid stating that I am a full-time graduate student even though I am taking both undergraduate and graduate courses in the same semester?

A. Most, if not all, undergraduate coursework taken by graduate students is to satisfy transcript deficiencies. If you are registered for both undergraduate and graduate coursework in one semester, the College of Music Graduate Studies Office needs to verify the deficiency courses, your full-time credit status, and complete a letter which you need to bring to Financial Aid in the ESSC. For help with this letter, see either Colleen Conlon or Devyn Dougherty in the Graduate Studies Office, Chilton Hall, Suite 211.

Q. How do I obtain permission to enroll more than full-time in one semester or summer session?

A. A graduate student can request an overload of the maximum number of hours allowed in a semester (16 credits in long semesters, 7 credits in each five week summer session) through the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies. All requests are reviewed and the student notified of the status of their request prior to the end of registration for that semester. The form can be found at the Miscellaneous Forms section on this website.