Windows VNC Remote Lab Connection

Remember you must always be connected to the UNT VPN for all connections!

We use a Guacamole server to allow non macs to connect to our stations.

-To connect to a station through your pc follow the link below and select one of the available stations from the list after authenticating with your EUID.  Please be aware that the VNC service on Apple computers are not as efficient as Apple Screen Sharing or Windows RDP.  Becuase the mac OS is graphically intensive it might appear to be slow to respond on the desktop.  You should encounter better operation once you are in an application.  Login to the Guacamole interface using your EUID and password.  Once you have connected simply login to the station using your EUID and password as usual.  Remember to logout when you are done.

Use option+control+shift to call up the Guacamole interface to adjust settings within your browser.

-All stations reboot to a frozen state on logout.  Be sure to save documents to the student storage drive, OneDrive or copy to your own computer before logout. (Files can be dragged to and from your own desktop onto the virtual desktop when connected.  

Connect to Remote Stations via Guacamole