Photo of laptop for visual interest

Long-Term Laptop Checkout

Any student requiring a UNT laptop (mac or pc) for general remote learning can be checked out from the library both on a 24-hour basis or a semester-long basis if needed. The library is now the primary location for students to acquire laptops on campus.

  • Click Here for semester-long checkout information.
  • Click Here for short-term checkout information.

A limited number of daily laptops are available for checkout at the COM Lab front desk for those needing single event devices for use in one of the performance halls or classrooms. (See below.) Email us at with any questions or concerns.

Mobile Laptop Classroom

The CoM student lab and technology center now offers a pop-up lab cart for use throughout the college in support of classes or special events where instructors require participants to have access to computers.

Daily Laptop Checkout

A limited number of laptops are available at the music desk for situations where students or instructors need mobile access to music lab software or to present in the Recital Hall or Choir Room.

Procedure for daily checkout

  • All students must present a valid UNT Student ID in order to use a laptop.  No other form of ID will be accepted.  All Student IDs must be encoded correctly and must be in the university system.  If you are rejected by the system for any reason, you will not be able to use a computer until you correct the problem with either the ID office or the Registrar.
  • All computers MUST be used within the confines of the College of Music.
  • Any laptop that is not returned at the end of the day (closing time) may result in the blocking of a student's account.