Instrumental Studies
Types of Juries
- MUAM — (For performance majors only) Petition for Acceptance and Continuance in Applied
This is the regular semester petition for acceptance and continuance in applied music
lessons for music performance majors. The jury is composed of a minimum of 3 faculty
members. As an integral part of each jury examination, a repertory list MUST be submitted
by the student and certified by the major teacher. In all cases the decision of the
jury is final. Evidence of continuing maturity in technical, musical and performing
skills must be demonstrated in the jury at the conclusion of each long semester. Students
who do not meet these requirements must be advised of their deficiencies by their
applied instructor, Area Coordinator or Division Chair as is appropriate.
- MUAC ( Concentration) MUAS ( Secondary) MUAG ( undergraduate early music) - Petition
for Acceptance and Continuance in Applied Music
For Level:
Level- 1500- pre UDE ( e.g. 1504= violin/1505= viola/1506=cello/ 1507= doublebass/1508=flute/1509=oboe/1511=clarinet/1512=saxophone/1513=bassoon/1514=
French horn/1516=trumpet/1517=trombone/1518=euphonium/1519=tuba/1522=harp/ 1527=classical
Level 3500- post UDE ( e.g. 3504= violin/ 3505 = viola etc. )
Level 5500- masters
Level 6500- doctoral
This exam is the regular semester petition for acceptance and continuance in applied
music lessons for those in Concentration level lessons (MUAC), Secondary lessons (MUAS),
or undergraduate early music lessons (MUAG.) The jury is composed of a minimum of
3 faculty members. As an integral part of each jury examination, a repertory list
MUST be submitted by the student and certified by the major teacher. In all cases
the decision of the jury is final. Evidence of continuing maturity in technical, musical
and performing skills must be demonstrated in the jury at the conclusion of each long
semester. Students who do not meet these requirements must be advised of their deficiencies
by their applied instructor, Area Coordinator or Division Chair as is appropriate.
The purpose of the examination is to determine whether a concentration level student
has reached a sufficient level of proficiency in technical, musical and performing
skills. The examination will be given in place of the jury examination and must be given no
later than the semester in which the 12th concentration credit hour is attempted. Passing the examination before the required numbers of credit hours are earned in
no way reduces the number of credit hours of concentration study required on the student's
degree plan.
- UPPER DIVISION EXAMINATION (Replaces the Fourth Semester Jury)
The purpose of the examination is to determine the student's qualifications to register
for MUAM or MUAC 3000 level applied music courses. The examination must be administered
to all music majors at the conclusion of the fourth consecutive long semester of study
at the MUAM or MUAC level. It will be given in place of the Jury Examination. The
jury is composed of a minimum of 3 faculty members. As an integral part of each jury
examination, a repertory list MUST be submitted by the student and certified by the
major teacher. In all cases the decision of the jury is final.
For additional questions, please contact the division Administrative Coordinator
For additional information and resources, please visit the UNT Piano Studio website:
Piano Homepage
Vocal Studies
For additional information and resources, please reference the jury page of the vocal
studies handbook: Studio Voice Syllabus and Guidelines | Vocal Studies
For specific information on the percussion juries and barrier exams, please visit
the percussion website: Percussion Homepage
Each division has a specific rubric for grading juries. Jury results will be forwarded
to all instructors after all juries are completed in your area. Please contact your
instructor to review jury comments and grades. In some cases, divisions have chosen
for comments to be anonymous.
Division Contacts
Division of Instrumental Studies
Carole Overturf:
Divisions of Vocal and Keyboard Studies
Diana Cooley: