Barbara Dietlinger

Music History, Music History, Theory and Ethnomusicology
Assistant Professor of Music History
Barbara Dietlinger

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Barbara Dietlinger joins the University of North Texas College of Music faculty as an Assistant Professor of Music History. She comes to us from the University of Southern Mississippi where she served as an Assistant Professor of Music. She received her PhD in music from the University of Chicago in 2021, where she defended her dissertation, “Music and Commemoration in Early Modern Europe: Visual and Sonic Intersections of Remembrance.” Her primary research focuses on the interplay of music, visual art, and print culture in memory formation in Saxony, Bohemia, and the Low Countries. Her article “The Composer’s Influence on the Renarration of History: Heinrich Schütz’s Nun danket alle Gott, SWV 418,” was published in the 2019 issue of the Schütz-Jahrbuch. Additionally, Dr. Dietlinger writes on opera and media, particularly television opera. Dr. Dietlinger’s current research project investigates the unlikely collaboration of West German and Czechoslovakian TV channels in producing TV operas and oratorios. She is also interested in digital humanities, quantitative historical research, and programming (Graduate Certificate in Digital Studies, 2021). She received the MA from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in music and, additionally, the MA from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich studying Slavic philology.