East side housing Great and Choir divisions. June 2019
Eschbach is pointing to the treble of the Great 16' Diapason, moved to this location
several days before. Just in back, basses of the Pedal 32' Bourdon.

East side housing Great and Choir divisions. June 2019
Keith Schiffhauer rewires the Diapason 16' pneumatic switch to allow cable to reach
the new location.

East side housing Great and Choir divisions. June 2019
Lower choir chest with 8' foundations. In the foreground, 8' Spitzflute (ex. Gemshorn,
1924). In the middle, an “offset primary”, allowing the 4' flute to be borrowed to
the pedal.

East side housing Great and Choir divisions. June 2019
Pneumatic switches for unit chests playing from the choir. At the top, electric action
for the Viole 8', reinstated in the organ after almost 20 years in storage.

East side housing Great and Choir divisions. June 2019
Great foundations. To the left of the walkboard, the reinstated Viole (1924). To the
right, the lower Great, starting with the Octave 4'.

East side housing Great and Choir divisions. June 2019
Upper choir. Mutations, 1' stop. Choir reeds in the background, and top of the 32'

East side housing Great and Choir divisions. June 2019
The Trumpet and Clarion of the Choir. Vacant toeboard for a 2' flute, installed several
days after the tour.

East side housing Great and Choir divisions. June 2019
Hentus and Parker have questions about the chimes. The tubes date from 1924. Action
from 1949.

East side housing Great and Choir divisions. June 2019
Upper choir. Reeds and mutations. In background, Pedal Bombarde unit (ex. Tuba 1924).

East side housing Great and Choir divisions. June 2019
Our photographer, Gary Gordon.

East side housing Great and Choir divisions. June 2019
The merry tourists just in back of the front grill. In background, Great Harmonic
Flute 8'.

East side housing Great and Choir divisions. June 2019
Choir foundations. The Cromorne, to the right, was a gift of Mme Marie-Madeleine Duruflé
in 1992. To its left, a Pilcher 8' Bourdon. Still further, a Pilcher 8' Principal.
Four of the six original Moller stops on this chest were either reassigned or deleted
from the organ: Clarinet 8' (moved to swell); Nason Gedeckt 8' (deleted); Flute Celeste
8' (moved to upper choir); Unda Maris 8' (deleted).

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Pedal Double Open Diapason 16': Installed by Marvin Judy in 2011. West catwalk, overlooking
the stage. Swell shades visible towards the back.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Pedal Flute 4', installed June, 2018 in front area just in back of grill, west side

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Pedal Bourdon 16'/8' unit, top octave, 1949. Moved to back of grill, west side, in

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Ensemble of Pedal Bourdons 16'/8', Flute 4'. Open swell shades towards left.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Detail of “new” Pedal Flute 4'.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Pedal Flute 4', stamped “Flöte”. Roy Redman installed this stop, origin unknown.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Swell shades, west side.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Pedal Double Open 16', west catwalk.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Inside the swell. Foreground: 1924 Moller pitman chests. Elevated pitman chests installed
by Marvin Judy 2000-02, replacing two unit chests.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Swell stop junction board for the 1949 stoplist.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
“New” elevated Moller pitman chest, installed 2001, with upper three ranks of Plein-Jeu,
Tierce, Nazard. Towards right: four stop Moller pitman chest, elevated. Rohrflute
8' visible.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Detail of three stop Moller pitman chest, elevated.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
View of the front chest, “Station A” 1924. First rank directly in front of shades
is Diapason 8, originally in the choir in the 1924 organ, moved to the swell in 1949.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Second main chest, 1924, “Station B.” Clarion 4' is the first rank, followed by lowest
three ranks of Plein-Jeu (1'), Flautino 2', Flauto Traverso 8' (1924), Bombarde 16'
(replaces original Contra Fagotto moved to Choir.) Foreground: Elevated four stop
pitman chest.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
View of the offset basses along west wall: First 12 notes of Bombarde 16' and first
15 notes of Quintaton 16'.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Panoramic view of the first three main pitman chests, first two from 1924. The third
is also Moller, dating from the 1949 organ in the St. Louis Cathedral, New Orleans

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Third pitman chest playing (counting from front), Octave Flute 4', Vox Humana 8' (1924);
Oboe 8' (Laukhuff 2003), Rohrflute 8' (1949).

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
As above, C# side.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Detail of Vox Humana 8' (1924), restored by Fred Oyster in 2017. All the original
1924 reed stops were sent to his shop for restoration at that time.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Toeboard of Bombarde 16'. The lead action tubes allow the note pouches to be exhausted
from an “offset” primary, allowing the first 20 notes to be duplexed to the pedal.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
C# side of image 2590.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Trumpet 8' in foreground, Station A chest. Moller used their F schallots for this
stop, one of the finer Moller Trumpets ever built. How much did Dr. Helen Hewitt influence
this decision?

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Flauto Traverso 8', 1924. Moller moved this stop to 4' pitch in 1949. We returned
it to 8' in 2002.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Bombarde 16', 12 offset basses. Built by Trivo in 2001.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Quintaton 16' offset basses, 1-15.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Bass of Clarinet 8'. Bill Stephens, a loyal UNT graduate, gave us the chests. Installed
by Marvin Judy. The remainder of the stop is on a former Flute Celeste toeboard on
Station A.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
C side of Station A. Diapason 8' all the way to the left, followed by Voix Celeste
8', Clarinet 8' (ex Choir), Quintaton 16', Salicional 8', Principal 4', Trumpet 8'.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
C side of Station B. Clarion 4', 3 ranks of Plein-Jeu 1', Flautino 2', Flauto Traverso
8', Bombarde 16'.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
C# side of image 2628. Offset basses to the rear on west wall.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Detail of pneumatic swell shade mechanism, 1924.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Foreground: Second main chest. Elevated chests to the rear.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
First three ranks of Plein-Jeu VI. Each rank on separate toeboard. In 1924, Moller
used these actions for a Cymbale mixture, drawn at the console rank by rank or together,
and containing a Septime 1 1/7'.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Back two pitman chests, four and three toeboards, respectively.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Pressure regulator for swell shade action, recovered June 2020.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Tenor Octave, Flauto Traverso 8'.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Pneumatic stop action switches for pedal stops playing from west side: Pedal Bourdons
16' and 8', Rohrflute 8 (borrow), Quintaton 16 (borrow), Bombarde 16' (borrow). A
little secret: The Pedal Flute 4' plays from a new electric switch added by Roy Redman,
but we left the borrowed Rohrflute 4' playing, in effect creating a Flute 4' II.

Swell Side: West. Pictures taken January 11, 2020 by Dr. Gary Gordon.
Shifter action under the Bombarde 16'. This toeboard played the 1924 Contra Faggotto
at 16' and 8'. After this stop was moved to the choir, only the 16' part of the shifter
is used.