Endowments allow a donor to leave an indelible mark on the UNT College of Music.  A donor may honor a loved one, colleague or friend by establishing an endowment in his/her name that will support student scholarship, faculty research, special projects or building support.  Current initiatives for the College of Music include:


  • Chairs: $1,500,000
  • Professorships: $500,000
  • Lectureships: $250,000
  • Graduate Fellowships: $100,000
  • Endowed Scholarships: $25,000

Each endowment supports either scholarship or a unique academic component of the College of Music which makes a lasting impact on students and faculty.  Endowment support is the foundation of funding needed to advance the academic mission of the College of Music.

Scholarship Initiative

Today the financial requirements for attracting top talent have escalated substantially; unfortunately, resources for supporting the effort have not kept pace.  The UNT College of Music scholarship initiative allows alumni and friends to contribute to established endowments.  Your gift to a College of Music endowment will help increase the value of the endowment, thus increasing the scholarship awards available for students.

For example, an endowment level of $30,000 will produce a scholarship of approximately $1,000 each year.  With your help, we will increase the size of the endowment giving us a greater return on the scholarship award.

Please review the scholarship list below and consider a gift to the College of Music. Thanks for your support!

Make A Gift Online

You may send a check to the College of Music or give online by clicking on “Make a Gift Online.”  Make your check out to the UNT Foundation and in the memo line write the name of the scholarship. Send to Gift Administration at

University of North Texas
Division of University Advancement
Gift Administration 
1155 Union Circle #311250
Denton, TX 76203-5017

To give online: click on “Make a Gift Online”, in the “Designation 1” drop down menu insert “other”, in the Comments or instructions section - type in the name of the scholarship.