Mark Montemayor

Associate Professor of Music Education

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Music Academic Integrity Liaison to the Office of Academic Affairs


Administration, Music Education

Contact Information

Office Location: 
Music Building
Office #: 

Mark Montemayor joined the faculty of the UNT College of Music as an associate professor of music education in Fall 2020 where he now serves as Director of Undergraduate Studies. Previously, he was professor of music and area head of music education at the University of Northern Colorado, where he taught instrumental methods courses and graduate courses in music education research, history, and curriculum. He was recently announced as the Editor-Elect of the Journal of Research in Music Education (JRME) until 2026 when he then becomes Editor until 2032. His research work includes matters related to the cognitive psychology of music instruction, with particular focus on teacher evaluation, musical modeling, conductor expressivity, and music teacher education. His research is published and is in-press in such journals as the Journal of Research in Music Education, International Journal of Music Education and the Journal of Music Teacher Education, and he is the lead author of World Music Pedagogy, Volume IV: Instrumental Music Education (Routledge, 2018). He currently serves on the Editorial Committee for the JRME and the Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, and has been a guest reviewer for these and other journals. He served as Research Chair for the Colorado Music Educators Association and as chair of the Learning and Development Special Research Interest Group for the National Association for Music Education. He began duties as College of Music Academic Integrity Liaison (AIL) to the UNT Office of Academic Affairs Fall 2022.

Dr. Montemayor taught music for seven years at Gig Harbor High School in Gig Harbor, Washington. He holds a bachelor of music degree from the University of Texas at Austin, where he studied saxophone and music education, and earned his master of arts and doctor of philosophy degrees from the University of Washington.