1. Students login to their account and submits a travel funding request.(New Request)
  2. Listed faculty advisor on submission is notified via email of new request and follows the provided link and instructions to complete their recommendation.
    1. Faculty should check the submission for errors or incomplete information.  If corrections are needed the advisor should contact the student and ask them to resubmit with the correct information.
    2. Faculty advisor should check to make sure all the information on the application is accurate and complete before submitting reommendation. If corrections are needed the advisor should contact the student and ask them to resubmit with the correct information.
      1. Requested recommendations must include the following information: On a scale of 1 to 5 (not important to extremely important), faculty must rate the importance of the proposed activity to the applicant's program of study and/or professional development. For students to also be considered for additional need-based scholarships faculty should always Include a letter of recommendation attesting to the students musical abilities and the merit of requested activity for their educational and/or career development. Faculty must sign their name and title to the recommendation post. 
      2. (If the student selected the wrong division the receiving faculty advisor should notify their division chair of the issue so they can transfer the request to the correct department by selecting the appropriate division in the approval section. Instead of chairs selecting "Dean Approval" per usual, select the division where the request belongs.  
  3. Division Chair will receive an automated notification when advisor has posted their recommendation and may then log into the approval portal.
  4. Division Chair enters approval, award amount and transfers to the Dean Department only AFTER the faculty advisor has posted their recommendation and verified the information on the application is accurate and complete before approval.  Chairs should remind faculty to complete their recommendations in a timely manner and check that it meets the recommendation requirements. Chair provides the following division approval information before transfer:
    • Specify Division Level of Funding: $100 for regional travel/national travel, $200 for international travel, or other and please specify amount or explain why you wish to deny or not recommend funding as well as any other information you believe is pertinent regarding the student or the request.  More information is always better.
  5. The Dean's office reviews the request, enters all funding awards and then transfers to the Budget office.
  6. The Budget office resolves all funding requests and contacts student regarding their award disbursement and any additional documentation required.
  7. Funding awards that have been granted in the COM are then transferred to the Tolouse Graduate School where they will be reviewed for possible matching funds.
  8. Graduate School will contact students regarding their matching funds if awarded.