Slade Denman is pursuing the Doctor of Musical Arts Degree in Wind Conducting at The University of North Texas in Denton, where he currently teaches undergraduate conducting and serves as a graduate teaching assistant for the Wind Studies program and Green Brigade. He studies conducting under Eugene Migliaro Corporon, Dr. Andrew Trachsel and Daniel Cook.
As a student, Mr. Denman received his Masters of Music and Bachelor of Music, both in Music Education, from Ohio University in Athens, OH. During his time at Ohio University, he worked extensively with all the campus concert bands including the Ohio University Wind Symphony with Dr. Andrew Trachsel and Dr. William Talley. He also worked closely with Dr. Richard Suk and “The Most Exciting Band in the Land”, the Ohio University Marching 110, writing drill, arrangements and facilitating performances and rehearsals. Mr. Denman also served as a teaching assistant for undergraduate conducting, music education and marching techniques classes.
His teaching career began at Allen East Local School District located in Harrod, OH.
Here he served as the sole instrumental music teacher (5-12) for the program of 250+
students in a population of only 600. In addition to teaching concert bands, Mr. Denman
also led the 150 member ‘Mustang Marching Brass' into their 10th consecutive year
of first place at the Kewpee Showcase of Bands, collaborated with Ms. Kirsten Lindhurst
in musical theater and show choir productions, and spearheaded the school's first
jazz band and piano laboratory.
As an accomplished pianist and saxophonist, Mr. Denman has performed and
conducted extensively with soloists and ensembles during his time at Ohio University and Allen East, including the Ohio University Wind Symphony, Marching 110, 180 Funk, Ohio Valley Summer Theater, the Singing Men of Ohio, Section 8, and the Lima Area Concert Band. He has professional affiliations with the College Band Directors National Association, Ohio Music Education Association and Kappa Kappa Psi.