What is String Project?
The UNT String Project is a low-cost community music program that offers instruction in string instruments (violin, viola, and cello). Students in Concert Orchestra, Sinfonia, and Parents as Partners attend one group class each week and a private lesson four times a semester. All levels offer an optional package for additional private lessons. String Project is a teacher-training program; all classes are taught by undergraduate music education students supervised by a master teacher.
What is String Project's mission?
To give undergraduate and graduate music education students hands-on, supervised experience
in teaching, administration, and leadership as they pursue their degrees.
To involve more school-age children in learning to play string instruments.
To provide a low cost, high-quality music education experience to the surrounding
Who are the teachers?
String Project is a teacher training program. String Project teachers are UNT music education undergraduate and graduate students. Master teacher Nicole Laborte is an experienced educator and doctoral student at UNT. The director is Dr. Elizabeth Petersen, a veteran teacher with experience teaching elementary, middle, and high school orchestra.
What is the age range of the students?
Students range from 5 years old all the way up to adults.
What level should my child be in?
Concert Orchestra is for beginners in their first or second year of playing.
Sinfonia is for students with at least 2 years of playing experience.
Parents as Partners is for young children and their parents.
If you are unsure what class would best fit your student, please videorecord a sample of your child playing their favorite piece and email it to us. Please see the 'Contact' page.
When is String Project?
String Project begins Tuesday, February 20, 2024. Private lessons are individually arranged with the instructor.
How do we drop-off and pick-up our kids?
There is a drop-off zone in front of the music building on Ave. C. We ask that you pull up as far as you can to drop-off and pick-up your children (even as far as Chestnut St.). DO NOT park and leave your vehicle as cars behind you will be blocked from moving. Teachers will meet your children outside for drop-off and wait until all the children have been picked up. Private lesson pick up/drop off will be arranged with individual teachers.
Do you have to be enrolled in your school orchestra?
Yes, but only if that option is offered. String Project is meant to enhance the school orchestra programs. Students too young to be enrolled in a school program and homeschool students are welcomed as well.
Are scholarships available?
We do not give out many scholarships, but you can contact us with any concerns.
Does UNT provide instruments?
We provide a very limited number of instruments in various sizes. Please indicate your interest in a UNT instrument on your registration form. You can also contact the Director regarding UNT instrument availability.
While you can either buy or rent an instrument, we advise you to rent as children grow quickly. We recommend The Luthier Shop in Crossroads which supplies rental instruments at reasonable rates
Do students need to practice?
In order to progress, students will need to practice daily. Concert Orchestra and Sinfonia students should practice 10-15 minutes a day. More advanced students should spend 20 to 30 minutes in practice each day.