"I love this program. I'm so glad that I have the opportunity to bring my child to
it. I hope we can continue to come. Thank you very much."
"Wonderful program! We highly recommend to all who ask, and we plan to keep coming
back!! Great job!"
"The whole course was very well planned and executed. My boy really enjoyed the classes
and I enjoyed bringing him."
"Wonderful preparation and seamless transitions."
"Our child really enjoyed the class! The teachers were wonderful! My child loves the
CD you sent home. We could not be more pleased. Thank you for the opportunity to teach
music to our babies!"
"My daughter sings the hello song and the 'yum budda bum bum buum' all the time. She
loves it!"
"The class soon became a weekly highlight for our children. It was also fun to hear
them singing the songs and chants at home during the week. They especially enjoyed
the 'hands on' time with any instrument. All in all, it was a fun family activity
and one that made an impact on our children. They not only enjoyed the music, but
I believe it was helpful in stimulating some more speech and oral development in our