Contact and Parking

Dr. Warren Henry
Meghan Miller
Assistant Director
Phone: 469-766-7935
College of Music
1155 Union Circle #311367
Denton, TX 76203-5017 
You may view a larger map by clicking on this link: UNT Campus Parking
ECM 2016 Parking Map
The classes are held in the Music Annex Room 115 on UNT's campus. It is a one story building at the corner of Ave C and Highland.
Parking is recommended in Lot 25 across the street from the Music Annex and also at the corner of Ave C and Highland for Fridays, and then Lots 26 and 4 for Saturdays.
· On Fridays, UNT classes are in session and you will have to pay for the lot as a visitor. The cost is $2.25/hour and is metered by a central kiosk. You can also choose to pay via the Parkmobile app on your smartphone. Create your profile, define your   payment method, choose your location, define how long you want to pay for and done! Register today!
· On Saturdays Lot 25 is still accessible, but Lots 26 and 4 (across Ave C from the Music Annex) will be free to use under the performance clause the College of Music holds with Parking & Transportation Services. Lot 26 is accessed from Highland Street, and Lot 4 is accessed form Chestnut Street.
A more detailed map can be accessed by clicking the link above the GIF.