In order to register for GAC recitals, carefully follow the guidelines and instructions below:
- You must be enrolled in the appropriate recital (MUGC 5941-5944, MUGC 6941-6944), or be fulfilling an incomplete from a previous semester, to receive credit for a the GAC recital. Students who perform a recital without being properly registered may not receive credit for that recital.
- Go online to the Calendar of Events on the College of Music website, You may research a date and time for your recital by clicking the Roomview tab at the top of the page. The date you choose must be at least three (3) weeks away to allow for the approval process to be completed. When selecting rooms to view, you may hold down the control key to select and view more than one venue at the same time.
- When a date has been selected and approved by your major faculty member and committee members, you can submit your recital date by clicking “Request” on the left side menu of the calendar page. Sign in with your EUID and Password. First time users will be required to fill out a registration form. Once you submit a recital request you will receive an email that it is “in process” and when the Concert Scheduling Office receives and processes your request you will receive an email with detailed instructions on how to proceed with the approval process.
- Students are responsible for providing a full program complete with date, time and location of performance, titles and dates of works, names and dates of composers, assisting performers and the appropriate recital course number and section (MUGC 5941-44, MUGC 6941-44) to Linda Strube in the College of Music Program Office (MU 241). This information is due NO LATER THAN three weeks prior to the performance. The student is also responsible for proofing the program once the first draft is completed by the Program Office. Contact or 940-565-3709 for assistance.
- The candidate must submit a copy of each printed recital program to the Office of Graduate Studies in Music. Printed programs may be submitted in advance or the day after the recital.
- Each juror's written evaluative comments and recommended grade will be collected, retyped for anonymity, and forwarded to the major professor. The average of all grades submitted will be the final grade the major professor records for the dissertation credit.
Cancellations If you cancel or postpone your recital, you must immediately inform the Concert Scheduling
Office (MU 247A) so the date and time can be made available to others and publicity
concerning your event can be cancelled. The Graduate Studies Office must be notified
of your new recital date/time with a Change of Date form (which is due at least two
weeks before the rescheduled recital). For Assistance With Scheduling or Reservation Issues Contact: Amanda Miller, Concert Scheduling Office (MU 247H) Procedures for off-campus Recitals All off-campus recitals must be approved by the GACCom, to which the student must
submit a formal petition. The petition must demonstrate the following:
- The actual solo playing time totals 50 minutes. Ensemble time only counts if the student is still playing or singing a solo line.
- At least one member of the recital committee should be able to attend in person.
- You may not combine performances. The entire performance must occur during one concert. Conducting majors may split their events.
- The petition must include a letter or email from the professor in support of the off-campus performance.
- The performance must be in the future. Do not submit GAC recital applications for performances that have already taken place.