Student Evaluations — Tuesday, 9 May 2023, MEIT:
• 12:30 pm: Anderson Kurk (MUCP 2190) — sophomore jury
• 12:45 pm: Max Rubinstein-Miller (MUCP 2190) — sophomore jury
• 1:00 pm: Michael Casiano (MUCP 2190) — sophomore jury
• 1:15 pm: David McCaulley (MUCP 2190) — sophomore jury
• 1:30 pm: Dominic Willis (MUCP 2190) — sophomore jury
• 1:45 pm: Discussion
• 2:00 pm: Colton Weed (MUCP 2190) — sophomore jury
• 2:15 pm: Robert Jones (MUCP 2190) — sophomore jury
• 2:30 pm: Sofia Vega (MUCP 2190) — sophomore jury
• 2:45 pm: Isaac Morgan (MUCP 2190) — sophomore jury
• 3:00 pm: Discussion
• 3:10 pm: Recital planning meeting (Ethan Pritchard, Heather Pryse, Marcel Castro
Lima, TRS)
Jury Students: Completed Undergraduate Jury Evaluation forms (reviewed and signed by an academic advisor) are due to your composition instructor by noon on Friday, May 5. Links to portfolio materials are to be posted to the student profile page by the end of the day on Friday, May 5. Complete guidelines for the undergraduate jury are at /composition-handbook#B-05. Students taking follow-up juries do not need to submit an Undergraduate Jury Evaluation form, but only need to provide links to portfolio materials.
Capstone/Recital presenters: Students planning to present a recital/capstone event in the fall 2023 semester must submit a brief proposal describing your event to the student profile page by the end of the day on Friday, May 5. Please note that we do not need to review senior composition portfolios at this time; we will do so at the Senior Capstone Hearing & Final Portfolio Review in August. This meeting is simply to plan and schedule recital dates in order to avoid potential conflicts with other division activities.